Influence Marketing with Customer Feedback

The  MVP
Published in
2 min readFeb 4, 2016

How many businesses are combining their marketing strategies with their customer feedback strategies? The successful businesses are, but there are also too many companies that don’t see the benefit of linking these two areas together.

So today’s blog is going to look at how feedback can influence marketing.

FREE Marketing intelligence

Customer feedback is (or should be) an essential part of every business, without your customers you don’t have a business.

You get customer feedback, you action it and look after your customers, but do you use it to influence your marketing?

Here are some key points of how to combine marketing and feedback:

  • Look for trending words in your customer feedback responses. What words are being used the most. Make sure these ‘keywords’ feature in marketing material as it resonates with your customers (& potential customers).
  • Customers are a great source of ‘new ideas.’ What else could you be offering or how could you do things differently. Feedback gives you great Marketing intelligence.

Engaging with your Target Audience

Your digital and print marketing/advertising needs to engage and enhance the customer experience factor.

Are you delivering:

  • the right messages,
  • to the right customers,
  • at the right time,
  • on the right channels?

Customers want to see relevant and engaging marketing that is authentic and transparent. Your customer feedback responses can give you all this information, so USE IT.

Efficient Marketing

Customer acquisition can be expensive, but make it more efficient by using the right words in your marketing campaigns. Be better informed and specific with your approach, using content that your customers relate to. You will instantly catch their attention by shouting out what they want to hear.

Your marketing material will instantly become more efficient at attracting and engaging customers.

Feedback is not just a necessary evil that customer service departments ‘have’ to deal with. The aim is not just to minimize the ‘negatives.’ You need a system in place that engages with customers and gives them a voice.

You will then start to see the true power behind a fast, reliable and efficient feedback system that can be used to influence every part of your business.

Originally published at

