Summer…NOT Slumped | How To Maximize Summer

The Master Philosopher©️
The  MVP
Published in
4 min readMay 25, 2016

Summer is the season of sunshine and leisure. Friends and family. Life opens up. Days are long, nights are short. Summer can bring hard work, with fun too. It is also a great time to catch up with or explore activities and passions. If one isn’t careful with their time, they can fall into bouts of laziness. Which can progress into the “Slump.”

We’ve all been there…

This state can be detrimental to both the mind and body.

A sustained period of inaction & comfort can actually cause a person to regress in life.

This is because of this comfort trap, which can be escaped.

Here are some ways for you to make the most of your summer, giving you the edge, all while avoiding the “slump”:


Books accelerate learning and engage the mind. Taking the time to read gives you the mental edge by keeping you sharp. Pick up that fiction or non-fiction novel you’ve been eyeing. Catch up on articles, blogs, magazines, or any other reading material. Audio-books & Podcasts are great for on-the-go and during trips.

Get your learn on

Attend a Seminar/Workshop:

Have a hobby? Want to learn a skill(s)? Interested in meeting people? Try something new and fun.

Search the internet for local workshops, seminars, or meetup groups within your area. You would be surprised with all the FREE events that are taking place around your location. Keep those eyes and ears open!

Discover a Career(s):

Explore different career options and look into the job market, see what positions are out there. This helps further your career success, and benefits you greatly. You’ll be able to better narrow down your dream career. The Occupational Outlook Handbook is a great starting tool helping with: career info, education, training, pay, and requirements needed for jobs.

This exploration opens your eyes as to what is out there and available. If you don’t see a job/career that fits you, you can ask yourself:

“What kind of job would I create for myself?”

Consider the option of becoming an entrepreneur and creating your own business.


Try taking a Personality Test: I found this particular one to be very accurate. We all change over time, update and access where you’re at in life. Look inward.

Write in a journal:

What are your goals?

What kind of lifestyle do you want live?

What are my strengths/areas for improvement?

Where do I want to improve in life?

What have been some of my accomplishments/mistakes this year?

Where do I see myself in one year, five years, ten years?

How have I changed?

Who do I want to become?

Know yourself


Volunteering can take many forms. Consider giving your time to help a neighbor, friend, family member, or stranger. Simply help make a difference in your community. Volunteering doesn’t have to be done through formal channels: come up with a creative way to reach out and help someone else.

Is there a problem I can solve, or a need I can fulfill?

Seek opportunities:

Whether it be job, travel, relationship, business, or others opportunities. Ask those around you if they know of any events, activities, or people that are worth your time. Two heads are better than one!

Connect with Nature:

Summer passes quickly, spend some time outside and take in what Earth has provided for us. Go for a walk/hike. Tan. Jump in the pool or ocean (if near a body of water). Ride a bike. Observe wildlife. Be with the outdoors. Fresh air does the body and mind good. Try incorporating activities you like to do with the outdoors for a new way to mix things up.

By taking advantage of all the opportunities summer has to offer one can greatly benefit down the line.

What you do now will impact your success or lack of success in the months to follow.

During this time you’ll allow yourself to gain more skills, knowledge, and understanding. Use this period to better yourself in every aspect, while enjoying the weather and having fun.

Have a great summer! (H.A.G.S)

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The PersonalDevelopmentBuddha is a Student of Life. Helping you with discovery and self-awareness through ideas, experiences, insights, and knowledge.

Follow me on Instagram @PersonalDevelopmentBuddha



The Master Philosopher©️
The  MVP

Writing Magician✍🏽 ∞ Thought Leader💭 Philosopher𓂀🧿 Intuitive Teacher🔮 Philosophically Enlightening Minds✨ Sharing Universal Truth-Wisdom🌍