Where can you start legion quests in World Of Warcraft?

The Mysterious Gamer
the mysterious gamer
7 min readNov 5, 2020
World of warcraft
  • What is WoW?

World of Warcraft is a massive game which you can play online in multiplayer mode. The game is known for producing characters that are very akin to what you face in real life.

The game can be played either in normal or in role-playing mode. The only distinguishing factor is that in roleplaying mode, you focus more on the decision-making skills of the character and experience it as if it is your own. The game focuses on the basics of scanning landscapes and killing monsters with your chosen avatar.

The game caught on till it became a craze, and now, you have many other versions of World of Warcraft, one of which is ‘World of Warcraft: Legion.’

  • What is Legion Expansion?

The Legion expansion was simply an attempt at increasing the fun one could get out of World of Warcraft series, and the public support to this franchise only made it easier.

Quests are a very important part of this game, as they allow you to interact with other players, and teach you teamwork at the same time. The most important thing to bee noted is that you need to reach level 98 before you can start questing.

You can choose the exhilarating Broken Shore Questline as your first quest, as it is open to all who have crossed level 98, except for Demon Hunters. You are permitted to investigate the Broken Shores with your faction leaders. You can only complete this quest once per character.

  • What are the different types of quests available in the Legion version?

You have different types of quests available in the Legion version — you have the Legion Main Quests which basically encompass or often branch into your other quests like Class Campaign Quests and Individual Zone Quests.

The Legion Main Quests are an attempt to deflect the Burning Legion’s attempts on your way to level 110. These quests are important as you gain experience by participating in them, and at the same time, you earn an expanded view into the Legion storyline.

If you ignore these quests, you end up clearing achievements you did a while back, just for the sake of catching up, and you also may end up viewing future events because your fellow participants moved forward in the game while you are stuck in a timeline of the past.

This will end up being a very confusing process for you, and you might end up losing track of the game; therefore, it is never recommended to ignore these quests.

The Class Campaign Quests start when you are asked to choose an Artifact weapon of your choice. The Class Campaign Quests are useful as they add experience and are part of your individual progress scale.

They start when you complete your quest to commence the opening of City Hall, and then you will be introduced to a class campaign line of quests. The aim remains the same — to deflect the Burning Legion while interacting with other players of your class.

You have to unify players and build a team to further your cause. Acquaintance with these characters can help you with your main questline, as you will encounter them in that storyline too. Previous interactions will leave you with a background story that you can delve in with greater familiarity.

These missions will take longer to complete as you advance further in the storyline. You can unlock different characters and different types of weapons through the Class Campaign Quests as well, which is an added impetus to play these quests.

The Individual Zone Quests commence once you have completed a major chunk of the Legion storyline and finished one class quest. You can pick and choose from a location of your choice to start questing in the Broken Isles. Each location has a different storyline, and everything will add up to your credit at the end.

In each quest, the sole aim seems to be the location and retrieval of the Pillar of Creation, and what lies within it. Every zone consists of the locals, and you need to unify them and work as a team to nullify the effects of the actions of the Burning Legion. All these quests end up in a dungeon where you can retrieve said Pillar, and the best part is you do not need to look for the dungeons, they will pop up when you progress in your wow legion quests.

  • The Broken Shore Questline

The Broken Shore Questline allows you to form groups like the Alliance and the Horde and explore the shoreline. You are also provided with an opportunity to skip the Broken Shore scenario and teleport to Dalaran. Although, at other times, when you do not complete the Broken Shore storyline, you are obliged to complete it before moving on to the next wow legion quests.

There are certain NPCs available before you complete your Broken Shore quest, which helps to make your process of completion of quests more entertaining and exciting. You have to be above level 98 in the questline to be onboard the Battle for the Broken Shore, in order to view and interact with these NPCs. However, if you are a Demon Hunter, then you cannot avail of these NPCs, as they cannot complete the Broken Shore quest.

You have two options from which you can make the team who you want to fight with — the Alliance and the Horde. You need to talk to your teammates while prepping for battle.

Having your amour polished using Orcs, and your army strengthened by the Blood Elves to increase sustainability on the quest. If you polish your armour, you will increase armour strength by 30% for an hour. If you add holy enchantment on a weapon, then you can destroy demons and gain extra points for holy damage.

If your army is well fed, you will have increased versatility to serve you well in battle. These are all steps to aid you in the preparation of an army that will be rooting for success.

  • Battle for the Broken Shore

Now, you will come to the quest of the Battle for the Broken Shore; you will be directed to the broken shore questline, where you will automatically be added to a group with similar interests. You can use certain herbs at this stage to increase your level of progress in this quest at the cost of your health. You then have to storm the beach, defeat the Commander and destroy the portal. Finally, you have to stop the Gul’dan as this is the only way to nullify the efforts of the Burning Legion.

In the case of a Demon Hunter, you will follow a different storyline, where after completion of the starting zone, you can shift to the teleporting of the Dalaran. You can pick up some special items from chests and rares, which you cannot do once you have left a particular zone. These are split second decisions which need to be taken wisely to aid your progress in the game.

  • Quests for a Demon Hunter

If you have completed the process of the quest zones before August 30th, then as a Demon Hunter, you will directly skip to the teleportation of the Dalaran in the quest called ‘The Blink of An Eye.’ You will take your portal to the city of Dalaran and then watch the city get teleported using a complex spell.

You also acquire the power to swap different talents between different areas as per the necessity of your team at that point in time. Post this; you will start a questline to acquire different artefacts, where an NPC will deliver a message to you, which will help to unlock your class halls and different artefacts.

In addition to all of wow legion quests, you have Professional questing and Dynamic questing. In the former, you have to train your troops to have primary and secondary profession ranks.

Each type will have different storylines that they will follow in the game. You can start pursuing Profession Quests once you clear the level 100. In the case of Dynamic Questing, you get to choose between different zones where you can follow different questlines, which will award you with different reputations that will come in handy based on the storyline you choose to follow.

  • Conclusion

The WoW legion quests is full of different quests and achievements which will unlock new artefacts, and new expansion storylines, it is up to you to make the right choice and create a good balance between the different types of quests you need to fulfil in order to get the most out of your WoW experience.

The game is very akin to real life as it teaches you interactive gameplay, teamwork, and prioritising your activities while keeping in mind the big picture so that you do not get distracted by smaller goals.

You will follow a totally different storyline depending on which character you choose to follow be it a Demon Hunter, or if you are part of the team of Alliance or Horde, then you will follow the Broken Shore questline. Play WoW if you are searching for an interactive gaming experience that is so convoluted, you never get the chance to be bored!

