Cryptid Hunt: The Not Deer

Are they just sick animals or something more sinister?

Annabelle Wagner
The Mystery Box


Artwork by GlitchLight on DeviantArt

Have you ever driven down a back road at night? There’s something distinctly creepy about the way the beam from your headlights illuminates only what is directly in front of you, while on either side you are enveloped in darkness. What could be lurking out there, just out of sight?

If you’re a rural Pennsylvanian native like myself, then there’s a good chance you’ve seen you’re fair share of deer while out on one of these drives. You’ve felt the adrenaline rush as one leaped in front of your car, forcing you to slam on the brakes, leaving you praying that you’ll be able to stop in time and cursing out the animal.

But what if, as you’re trying to get ahold of yourself from this near-accident, you take a closer look at the creature standing in front of your car and notice there’s something. . .off about it. Its eyes and mouth aren’t quite right and it’s abnormally twitchy, almost like a puppet on strings, and it doesn’t seem frightened of you as any normal deer would be.

Well, my friend, if this is the case, you may have just encountered a Not Deer.

The Not Deer is an elusive little urban legend based out of the Appalachian region of North America, though they have been spotted all across the continent…



Annabelle Wagner
The Mystery Box

Storyteller. Lover of cats. Holding a BA in English/Creative Writing from Point Park University. She/her.