Five People That Have Become Cold Cases in 2021

These five people have remained unidentified for a full year since their discovery

Natasha M
The Mystery Box


Every year thousands of bodies and remains are found that are not immediately identifiable. Over half will be identified and returned to their loved ones within a year, but a substantial number will remain nameless. If a body has not been identified for over a year after being discovered it is considered a cold case. We are now halfway through 2021 which means that any remains recovered between January and June of 2020 that are still unidentified or unclaimed are officially cold cases. The pandemic has affected some of these cases' investigations and potentially affected family members’ abilities to search for their loved ones. This makes it extra important to share these people’s stories when possible. The sad truth is that bodies are discovered every day, and not all of them get the proper attention that could help return them to their loved ones.

There are hundreds of individuals with newly achieved cold case status across the world, but I’ve chosen five cases with plenty of information and no graphic post mortem photos to cover in this article. These people all have different stories but they share the sad reality of being unidentified for over a year. It is crucial to share their stories at this…



Natasha M
The Mystery Box

committed to bringing exposure and meaning to unidentified body cases and the weird parts of history.