Man Vanishes for 30 Years and Gets Dropped off Home in the Same Clothes He Left

What happened to Vasile Gorgos?

Sam Bracke
The Mystery Box


Photo by ALEXANDRE LALLEMAND on Unsplash

1991. A regular morning in the countryside next to Bacau, a small city in the Eastern part of Romania. Vasile Gorgos, a 63-year-old farmer, tells his family he will go on a small business trip. Nothing unusual since Vasile trades in cattle and already did the same trip dozens of times. As always, he would make the trip by train. He even already bought his train ticket. The same day he leaves.

But this time, Vasile doesn’t return home.

Since Vasile usually always returns the same day, his family immediately alarms the police. One day passes, nothing. Two days pass, still nothing. Eventually, days turn into weeks; weeks turn into months.

His family assumes Vasile died.

They suspect foul play, but because they never find any clues, they can never find full closure. His family regularly holds a memorial service for Vasile, but a lot of questions never get answered.

Until 30 years later.

On Sunday the 29th of August 2021, a car stops in front of Vasile’s family’s house, still the same house where he used to live 30 years ago. A now 93-year-old Vasile steps out of the back seat. He looks confused.



Sam Bracke
The Mystery Box

Loves adventure, running, traveling, and writing. Always ready to try new things. Tries to live a more simple, meaningful life.