Puzzling Text Messages: What Happened to Katelin Akens?

The girl who vanished on her way to the airport

Martina Petkova
The Mystery Box


Puzzling Text Messages: What Happened to Katelin Akens? The girl who vanished on her way to the airport
Katelin Akens | Source: the “Help find Katelin Akens” page

In December 2015, 19-year-old Katelin was back in her hometown in Caroline County, Virginia.

Her younger sister, Gabby, had just had a baby boy — so Katelin spent a few days visiting her family, meeting her nephew, and catching up with old friends.

She was supposed to fly back to Arizona, where she currently lived with her fiancée Amber Rios and was due to start cosmetology school, on December 5 at 5:40 PM from Reagan National Airport in Arlington.

The problem? No one could give her a ride. Gabby was busy with the baby. Their mother, Lisa, had to be at work before 10:00 AM. No one else was available.

Finally, Lisa contacted James Branton — her ex-husband and the man who helped raise Katelin and Gabi. She asked him if he could do her a favor and drop Katelin off at the airport.

He agreed. And then things started getting complicated.

Leaving Katelin with James

At 9:20 AM on December 5, Lisa drove Katelin to James’ home in Partlow, Virginia.

She later said that the two were happy to see each other. They all went inside. Katelin was excitedly telling James…



Martina Petkova
The Mystery Box

In my Medium writing, I explore the human psyche, our many contradictions, mental health, & the signs and causes of abuse. I also write about racism.