She Spent 44 Days in Hell

The Story of Junto Furuta

Monica James
The Mystery Box


Junto Furuta was a 16-year-old Japanese girl who suffered 44 days of absolute torture until she finally passed away on November 22, 1989, in the hands of her kidnappers.

Photo from TheTealMango

The Junto Furuta case was a very popular case that drew a lot of attention back in the 1990s. The victim Junto Furuta was a high school student who attended Misato, Japan. she was an extremely brilliant student and was hardly involved in any malicious activities, she was considered weird since she never did nor attempted to drink, smoke, or do drugs. She always avoided truants since she believed they would only bring her trouble. Unfortunately, one of the truants Hiroshi Miyano had developed a crush for her.

Hiroshi Miyano was not just a regular high schooler but was part of the yakuza, a mafia-like criminal organization that engaged in dangerous and deadly crimes that originated in Japan. Because Hiroshi was a school bully, no one had ever been brave enough to stand against him so Furuta's rejection came as a big shock to him and this made him furious.

On November 25, 1988, Junto Furuto was on her way home when she suddenly got attacked by 3 guys but she was immediately saved by Hiroshi who happened to be passing by. He told her attackers off and even offered to drive her home saying it was dangerous for her to…



Monica James
The Mystery Box

law student, true crime enthusiast, aspiring writer, writing to learn, immense storyteller.