The Bizarre Disappearance of Brittany and Deklon Ford

The Mystery Box
Published in
10 min readAug 5, 2021


*Information is obtained from the Where are they? Podcast and other online sources as cited*

Brittany Anne Ford just couldn’t catch a break. In April of 2015, Brittany was a 28 -year-old mother of a 6-month baby boy. Her little boy, Deklon, was a smiling baby with bouncing curls.

Brittany and her husband Micardo were living in Conyers, Georgia.

Late one evening in April, Brittany called the police and reported to them that Micardo was beating her and her son. Police arrived and advised her to take the baby and go stay at a hotel. She agreed, but instead, she drove all night up to Ohio, where her mother and brother lived.

After some erratic behavior in Ohio, her mother had her placed under a 72-hour watch in a mental hospital.

Three days later, she was released and went to stay with her brother.

On the morning of May 4th, Brittany’s brother woke up and found both Brittany and Deklon gone. Although he would bizarrely hear from Brittany one more time in a couple of weeks, he would never see Brittany or Deklon again.

Where are Brittany and Deklon Ford?



The Mystery Box

Jen is the host of the missing persons podcast: "Where are they?”