The Bizarre Events of Skidmore, Missouri

The redundant stories continue

Cathy Coombs
The Mystery Box


Left: Skidmore is the red dot; Right: The orange depicts Nodaway County, MO. Source.

People have been talking about the town bully of Skidmore, Missouri for years. Skidmore is a very small town located in Nodaway County. I live in the midwest and I’m still learning about this town that’s been rumored to be cursed and as such, has received a lot of national attention. Some people may believe that Skidmore is cursed.

Ken Rex McElroy

The country has many cases defined as bizarre, horrific, and unsolved. What makes Skidmore stand out was the vigilante form of killing of Ken Rex McElroy who was labeled as the town bully. If you study his history, you might be inclined to agree.

There were multiple witnesses who saw him get killed and no one came forward. Several shots were fired. Two shots from separate firearms killed him.

McElroy’s truck. Source.

McElroy had been indicted for several charges including rape, but he had escaped being brought to justice for years for his actions. On one occasion, he had been indicted for shooting a man in the neck. He was released on bond which infuriated the town. He had appealed the indictment and before the hearing…



Cathy Coombs
The Mystery Box

Writer, author, and importantly, kind human. I love stories that share history and the stories they give birth to. Website: