The Most Ridiculous Serial Killer Nicknames

The media doesn’t always provide murderers with the most flattering monikers, which is fine by me

Still Penguins Seldom Waddle
The Mystery Box



The Zodiac, Jack the Ripper, The Night Stalker, The Grim Sleeper, The Milwaukee Cannibal, Doctor Death — all names of serial murderers that create a sense of fear and panic for those who hear them. The following, however, are less than terrifying, which is completely fine. We should just start giving them names like Jimmy, the super-loser who blames school-yard bullies for his lack of erection and kills people.

The Singing Strangler

Claiming the lives of three women in Melbourne, Australia, 24-year-old Edward Leonski was an American soldier stationed there during World War II. He confessed to strangling the women because he was “trying to get their voices.” His obsession with female voices, especially those who sang, led him to be called “The Singing Strangler.”

The Doodler

In the 1970s, the unsolved murders of five gay men in San Francisco were all tied to the suspect labeled “The Doodler”. The men’s bodies were all found in the Ocean Beach area and had similar stab wounds. Two other people were assaulted in the area and police believed they were related to the murders. The suspect was…



Still Penguins Seldom Waddle
The Mystery Box

Working mom who uses her curiosity to fuel the curiosities of others ~ Writes mostly history and true crime