The Legend of David Hahn: The Radioactive Boy Scout

This boy tried to make a nuclear reactor in his shed

Natasha M
The Mystery Box


We’ve all heard of childhood geniuses, and generally regard them as important contributors to society. The successes of these exceptional children are always considered to be inspirational and precious, but what happens when a child genius goes bad? What do you get when when genius becomes reckless and unmonitored in childhood? What you get is David Charles Hahn, the boy scout who created a small nuclear disaster in his mother’s potting shed.

This is a tragic story of unbridled intelligence and lots of illegally acquired smoke detectors. Buckle up, this story is one of the most insane ones you’ll ever come across.

David Hahn later in life


David Hahn was born in Royal Oak, Michigan in 1976. His parents divorced when he was a young child, and he spent his time split between his mother and father’s houses. He would stay with his father and step mother during the week, and with his mother and her boyfriend on the weekends. David was a bright child, but always described as being mischievous. He loved playing sports and hiking. He joined a boy scout troop where he gained many of his childhood friends and a love for the outdoors.



Natasha M
The Mystery Box

committed to bringing exposure and meaning to unidentified body cases and the weird parts of history.