The Mysterious Disappearance of Robert Lee Hourihan

The Mystery Box
Published in
11 min readSep 6, 2021


**Information is obtained from the Where are they? Podcast and other online sources as cited**

Robert Hourihan was a big teddy bear of a man, who loved his daughter more than anything. He worked as an electrician and was married to his long-time sweetheart- Tara Mae. They lived in Palmyra, Virginia, and by all accounts had a happy life.

On Friday, April 8, 2011, Robert woke up and dressed for work in his uniform like he always did. He left around 6:30, taking his wife’s white Chevy Cavalier.

Robert would head to his regular stopping spot for breakfast- the E.W. Thomas store.

A little while later, a friend of Tara’s saw her car on the highway and called Tara to tell her. It was not a normal route that Robert usually took. Confused, Tara tried Robert’s cell, but it went straight to voicemail.

Robert would never be seen or heard from again.

Where is Robert Hourihan?

Robert Hourihan would meet his future wife, Tara Mae, in church, when they were teenagers. While they knew each other, they wouldn’t begin dating until they were in their early twenties- although Tara Mae admits to having a crush on Robert from the very beginning. She says she still remembers the day Robert agreed to go out with her. He had been…



The Mystery Box

Jen is the host of the missing persons podcast: "Where are they?”