The Russian Youtuber Who Livestreamed His Girlfriend’s Death

Inside the dark, twisted world of trash streaming

Bertilla Niveda
The Mystery Box


Photo by tookapic on Pixabay

“Valya, are you alive? My bunny, what’s up with you?”

These were the seemingly concerned cries of popular YouTuber Stas Reeflay, as he weakly attempted to resuscitate his unconscious girlfriend. He then moved her to his couch and called an ambulance, while appearing remorseful. The paramedics arrived and pronounced Valya dead as cameras streamed the entire event live to thousands of viewers.

This sounds like a tragic situation and it truly is, except that it was fully intended to be, by Stas Reeflay and his fans.

[Warning: The following details are disturbing.]

Stas Caused and Livestreamed His Girlfriend’s Death for $1000

In December 2020, Stas Reeflay(whose real name is Stanislav Reshetnyak) started a live stream on a platform(it’s unclear which platform was used. Stas was well-known on YouTube, but this particular stream was not on YT.) This live stream wasn’t an entertaining gaming session or commentary, it was part of a disturbing subculture of streaming called “trash streaming.”

When I first heard of the term, I casually assumed it referred to talking nonsense or…



Bertilla Niveda
The Mystery Box

Artist, engineer, and writer with a lot to say. You can connect with me at | Learn more→