The Truth About: The Devil’s Footprints

Did Satan Himself Visit the English County of Devon One Cold Night in 1855?

Michael East
The Mystery Box


It was on the night of February 8, 1855, that heavy snowfall covered the southern British counties of Devon and Dorset. The inclement weather would continue for days, and upon waking, villagers and townsfolk in the mostly rural locations were horrified to find cloven hoof prints at as many as thirty sites across the region. While you might not think this unusual, with goats to be expected in the countryside… these footprints were up to four inches long and the creature, whatever it was, seemingly walked on two legs…

The “Devil’s footprints” covered a distance between 40 and 100 miles and were between eight and sixteen inches apart and, while some were described as four inches long, most were in fact only an inch a half or two inches. Reports of the phenomenon came from across Devon, mostly centred around the Exe Estuary in the east and south of the region. However, there were reports of such Satanic footprints as far away as Dorset, the next county to the east. The tracks were mostly straight with no object seemingly phasing whatever creature was responsible, smoothly moving over haystacks, houses and rivers. The footprints even appeared on roofs, and according to some accounts were directed toward the country house of the…



Michael East
The Mystery Box

Freelance writer. Writing on true crime, mysteries, politics, history, popular culture, and more. |