The Unsolved Assassination That Shocked the World

There are hundreds of theories surrounding Olof Palme’s murder.

Ida Larsdotter
The Mystery Box


Picture of Olof Palme and his wife Lisbet. C 1960, unknown photographer. Public domain via Wikimedia commons.


Olof Palme was a controversial figure in Swedish politics. As the leader of the Swedish social-democratic workers' party, he became prime minister for the first time in 1969. Palme became known globally for his strong internationalist beliefs.

He often levied critiques against U.S actions during the Vietnam war. Palme also did not shy away from criticizing racist regimes, such as the one in South Africa.

Apartheid cannot be reformed. It has to be eliminated.

— Olof Palme about apartheid in South Africa.

After losing the 1976 election, Palme resigned as prime minister. He continued as leader of the social-democrat party. In 1980, Palme was chosen by the UN to be a mediator in the Iran-Iraq war. After the election in 1982, Palme became prime minister again.

Olof Palme with his sons Joakim and Mårten. 1963, unknown photographer. Public domain via Wikimedia commons.

Timeline of the assassination

Olof and Lisbet had gone to see The Mozart Brothers at Cinema Grand in Stockholm on February 28th, 1986. Olof, who was…



Ida Larsdotter
The Mystery Box

Writing about history, mysteries, and historic true crime. On Twitter under @ida_larsdotter.