The Unsolved Murder of Jean Marie Townsend

This 67-year-old London case is still a mystery.

Cathy Coombs
The Mystery Box


There are few photos of Jean Townsend.

There are not a lot of clues associated with this unsolved murder, and like a lot of murders that go unsolved for decades, perhaps bringing them to the surface memorializes their lives so they are not forgotten.

The night of the murder

Jean Marie Townsend was described as a young woman with a very respectable reputation. The director of the company that Jean worked for said, “She was a very sweet girl, intelligent and charming.” She was also described as having been a friend of stage and screen stars and it was also noted she rarely drank.

On the evening before Jean’s death, she was at the Pyramid Club with friends. The club was close to where she worked. She left the club around 11:00 p.m. to go home.

On the morning of September 15, 1954, Jean’s body was discovered on wasteland in Ruislip, Middlesex, UK. She strangled with her black and gold scarf and found less than a mile from where she lived around 7:00 a.m. by a worker.

Jean’s body was located in tall grass, but part of the grass which was allegedly over six feet tall in some areas, was flattened, so maybe she was dragged there. When her body was found, her clothes were still on. Her stockings…



Cathy Coombs
The Mystery Box

Writer, author, and importantly, kind human. I love stories that share history and the stories they give birth to. Website: