What Happened to Chris Benoit, the Wrestling Superstar?

Three People Died in the Benoit House that Night; Only One had the Choice Behind it.

Harshi Baldota
The Mystery Box


Source: Wikipedia commons

Christopher Michael Benoit was a Canadian professional wrestler famed by CHRIS BENOIT. Born in Quebec and grew up in Edmonton, Benoit had a robust personality.

During his childhood, Benoit idolized Tom Billington, “The Dynamite Kid.” Growing up, Benoit trained to become a professional wrestler like his Idol, Tom Billington. In-ring, Benoit emulated both Billington and Bret Hart, cultivating a high-risk style and physical appearance more like the previous.

Benoit married twice and had two children (David and Megan) with his first wife, Martina. By 1997, that marriage had broken down. Then Benoit was living with Nancy Sullivan.

On February 25, 2000, Chris and Nancy were gifted with a son named Daniel, and on November 23, 2000, Chris and Nancy married. It was Nancy’s third marriage.

All was going well for Benoit professionally, but issues started arising in his personal life. Within just 3 years, Nancy filed for divorce from Benoit, citing the wedding as “irrevocably broken” and alleging “cruel treatment.”

She claimed that he would break and throw furniture around.



Harshi Baldota
The Mystery Box

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