Where is Cleopatra’s Tomb?

Centuries-old mystery of the disappearance of the last Egyptian queen’s tomb.

Karina Kay
The Mystery Box
2 min readSep 3, 2022


The tomb of Antony and Cleopatra remains undiscovered since 30BC somewhere near Alexandria, Egypt. It is believed that they were buried together.

Ancient-looking tomb in a palace
Photo by Jeswin Thomas in Pexels

Cleopatra’s death

In 30 BC, the Queen found herself losing the war against the future emperor of Augustus, Octavian. To avoid being captured, Cleopatra ended her life with asp poison.

Her death meant the end of Ptolemy’s Macedonian Dynasty, however, it began one of the greatest mysteries that has not been solved for the past 2000 years.

There have been many speculations as to her actual cause of death or where she was buried. Some believe that because there were no eyewitnesses at the time of her death, the Roman victors might have come up with the asp story, meaning it is unclear how Cleopatra actually died.

Cleopatra’s tomb

Cleopatra commissioned a tomb that was completed in 30BC, which was located near her palace in Alexandria.

However, due to an earthquake, that part of the city was submerged. The majority of archeologists believe that it is impossible to locate where Cleopatra’s tomb is exactly.

Taposiris Magna

On the other hand, recent reports argue that the tomb is actually located at a site called ‘Taposiris Magna’, not in Alexandria.

There are some theorists that believe that Cleopatra’s handmaidens smuggled her body there.

Others reject this theory as there is not enough sufficient evidence that would corroborate it.

Although there is still an ongoing search for the queen’s tomb, many believe that it is impossible to find where it is due to the fact that the majority of Alexandria was submerged including Cleopatra’s palace and possibly the commissioned tomb.



Karina Kay
The Mystery Box

I am a Student and a Freelance Writer. I write about everything from self-improvement to sociological issues and debates. Contact me: Kkxy13@outlook.com