Law and Disorder: Who Killed D’Lisa Kelley?

A young mother’s cold case murder leads to changes in Texas’ 911 system, but her killer remains at large.

Corey Sobell
The Mystery Box


D’Lisa Kelley in 2014 (Source: Facebook — “Justice for D’Lisa Kelley”)

Imagine being pocket-dialed by a family member, you answer the phone, and you hear them hysterically pleading for their life as someone attacks them. “Stop, stop!” they scream as their attacker tells them to “shut up”. The call then ends.

Frantic, you dial 911, however, the police do not seem concerned about the situation at all, and refuse to help. Two days go by, and your loved one fails to answer your calls or texts. You decide to file a missing person’s report. The police finally assist, but it’s too late. Later that week, your loved one’s body is found, and it’s clear that they were murdered. Had the police acted immediately, they may have been found alive.

Unfortunately, this was the terrifying reality for the family of 24-year-old D’Lisa Kelley.

On March 7th, 2014 around 4 PM, the young mother left her home to attend a wake.

A few hours after leaving home, D’Lisa called one of her sisters in what seemed to be an unintentional pocket dial. Upon answering, her sister heard D’Lisa “screaming for her life”, and reported what sounded like someone “beating her”. Additionally, she heard a male…

