Categorising Different Types of Serial Killers To Understand Their Motives Behind the Killings

How many types of serial killers are there?

The Mystique
The Mystery Reporter


Photo by Andrey Zvyagintsev on Unsplash

Serial killers have been a topic of long-standing fascination, dread, and mystery. They are the people who kill at least three times over an extended period, with a pause in between each murder. Despite the sickening fascination surrounding them, it is essential to read about various sorts of serial killers to gain insight into their motivations and eventually help capture them.

Decoding the Killer’s Drive

People are enthralled by serial crime, and it serves as entertainment which is evident in books, podcasts, and films on Netflix. However, forensics and psychiatry have examined the discipline of serial killing.

The Holmes Typography was developed by Ronald M. and Stephen T. Holmes, authors of numerous educational texts, as a way to categorize serial killers according to their motivations.

The four categories of serial killers are visionary, missionary, hedonistic, and those driven by power and control. Power and control killers are probably the most prevalent, but according to Holmes, thrill killers are more prevalent.

When Hallucinations Lead to Homicide



The Mystique
The Mystery Reporter

A passionate writer of true crime and unsolved mysteries. I am all about learning and making a positive impact on world.