Submission Guidelines

The Mystery Reporter
The Mystery Reporter
4 min readAug 9, 2022

Do you ever read a mystery article that hooks you to the context? Do you ever think how fascinating the world and history are? Does it make you curious about how things work and have been working? And do you think you are able to write and untwist the shackles of mystery and misery lying in the world of true crime and the past of this world?

Then you’re in the right place. Our publication “The Mystery Reporter” are hiring writers who can deliver un-plagiarized and authentic material.

Write and Share it with Us.

Be a mystery reporter with us and write on topics that boggle the mind. Discover new lengths of your writing experience and work with us to create the best content to read.

Writing Criteria and Guidelines

We like to keep things simple, but there are a few things that you need to keep in mind before starting to work with us. Following are the guidelines that we are entrusting you with:

1. We solely believe in publishing drafts that are unique and created for us only. The drafts would be checked by editors to ensure that they are unpublished and have a unique sense of style that stands out from the rest of the material provided on the internet.

2. We have a very strict no plagiarism policy. Anyone who provides plagiarized content would instantly be removed from the group of writers without any further wait. There is no chance of reconciliation in the matter.

3. The drafts must be submitted in the form of a Medium document (not as a word document or PDF), directly on the relevant profile.

4. The articles must be written keeping Medium’s rules, Ad-Free Policy, Content Guidelines, and Curation Guidelines in view.

5. It is suggested for the writer to run the article through Grammarly and an authentic plagiarism checker before submission to keep it free of errors.

6. The writers, once assigned with work, are required to use the search tool to ensure that the topic they have chosen is not already covered before.

7. The writers are expected only to use information backed by facts and adequately cite them with authentic sources. There should be a complete source list at the end of the article to ensure credibility.

8. The writing style should be kept formal, but complicated vocabulary should be avoided to make the article more readable as the reader’s satisfaction is our top priority.

9. The article should have a minimum of 500 words. If the words reach 1000 or above, there should be a proper sequential use of subheadings.

10. The top heading and subheadings of the articles should emphasize the topic and what the writer will focus upon in the context.

11. The first image should be between the heading and the subheadings. All photos must be appropriately captioned with linked sources to avoid copyright policy violations.

12. The numbers lesser than ten should be spelled out.

13. It is to keep in mind that the articles might be changed a bit in terms of grammar, headings, and information in some parts to make them more readable by the editors.

14. Every day, one article would be posted by an individual writer.

15. The writer is expected to format the article correctly.

16. Kindly keep in mind that once the draft is submitted, it can take the time of over a week for the editors to get back to you through a personal note.

What Do We Publish for our Readers?

Our group of writers works together to create unique content that the readers are able to enjoy. The title “The Mystery Reporter” indicates that our profile focuses on untangling the mysteries of history, solving the most gruesome of true-crime stories, the life of famous people, and includes everything related to politics, art, and philosophy that our readers might like.

How to write for The Mystery Reporter?

If you are interested in being a part of The Mystery Reporter Publication and can strictly follow the submission guidelines — in that case, you can send an email to the “email address” with your Medium ID and Medium URL to your profile, and the unsubmitted draft you want to submit. Make sure you have read all the submission rules before sending your article.

We do not guarantee that all your submissions will be published. When your article is accepted and needs a few changes, you will be added as a writer and requested to submit the article through Medium.

Additionally, once you have been added as a writer, you will be able to submit articles straight through Medium and are no longer required to email drafts.

For other queries, please send an email to

