Money, Money, Money (Ain’t it sunny in a rich man’s world)

Jane Biek
2 min readAug 9, 2015


Money is one of the easiest things to fight about in a relationship, because it is almost impossible for two people to agree on what the most important things to spend money are. You also need to be open and honest about things like how much money you have, how to handle using credit and how to handle long term planning.

Somehow, you have to come to an arrangement that works for you and your partner. You are going to have to use your powers of communication and compromise.

Maybe your partner loves to go on vacation, and he is always ready to book the next trip, but you are more frugal and cautious with your money, and you want to be sure that you are not overextending your finances. Perhaps you can strike a deal where you both put a certain amount into your savings account, and when it reaches that magic number, your partner can book that trip.

The key is to talk about what you want to buy, especially big ticket items. Your spouse should always be a part of the process. You are building this life together, so if you feel like your life needs a new car or a boat or a new bedroom suite, you need to talk to your partner about that, because if you desperately want that new bedroom suite, but she wants a convertible, only one person ends up happy, and that’s when resentment builds.

Maybe there is a compromise, and you get a new sleigh bed and she gets a moped, but maybe nobody gets what they want and you spend that money on a trip to the Caribbean instead, and really, is there a loser in that scenario?

