The Couple that Sweats Together Stays Together

Jane Biek
2 min readAug 31, 2015


There is one group of people in my life with whom I feel particularly close. The people that do boot camp with me have my back, and I am looking out for them too. I think it may have something to do with shared suffering. There is something about going through an ordeal with someone, that cements your bond in an undeniable way.

Boot camp is not a true ordeal in the way that being held up at gunpoint or being in a car crash might be, but it is a physical ordeal. Every single class pushes you to the limits of physical endurance, and we are all there in it together, encouraging one another to be the best we can be — to go faster than ever, to do one more rep, to cross over that threshold into a world of strength and power we have only ever dreamed of, or just to get through it.

When my partner started doing boot camp with me, I was so excited that he could become a part of this close-knit community. Now, we could share this love of exercise, this desire to better ourselves, this weekly social gathering of a group of very different people with one common goal — to get our sweat on.

I know when I reach that finish line after my last suicide, my boot camp peeps are going to cheer for me. I know when they see me struggling with my burpees, they’re going to call out, “You got this, Girl.” That sort of team spirit — that camaraderie— is something that everybody needs in this life. Encouragement, enthusiasm, a cheerleader. That is what we need in a life partner too.

Boot camp is like life. Sometimes it is unbelievably hard, and you’re not sure if you will make it through. Sometimes it is amazingly fun, and you feel like a million bucks. Sometimes you finish first. Sometimes you finish last. And sometimes you experience every emotion from elation to devastation all in one short hour, but you always want your cheering squad there with you. Knowing that they are there, experiencing all these highs and lows makes the experience so much better.

You need to know your partner is right there next to you in life. If you had an awful day at work, you want your partner to cheer you up, to listen to what a moron your coworker is and tell you that you’re amazing and you can get through this rough patch. If you cleaned the whole house from top to bottom and it looks fantastic, you deserve a “Way to go! You’re AWESOME!”

So, go out there and sweat with the one you love. Be each other’s advocate on the court, on the track, on the bike, in the gym, but also at home, in the car, at the table, and on the couch. Cheer each other on. And when you’re finished, celebrate together with a high five and a hug.

