Are You a Plotter? Or a Pantser?

B. Morey Stockwell, PhD
The Naked Creative
Published in
4 min readMar 2, 2024


Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

Some would argue there are two common types of writer: the plotter and the pantser.

Not a writer? Please keep reading. All types of creative require planning but also improvising. The important thing is to have fun with YOUR process and try out both methods… or mix it up with a combination.

The plotter needs to know the story arc while the pantser writes by the seat of their virtual pants.

The idea of beginning the storytelling journey without a road map brings the author a sense of uneasiness and discomfort. The plotter needs to know exactly where their story is going. They often begin with the end in mind.

The plotter embraces methods such as outlining and storyboarding.

Many different levels of plotting exist, with some writers mapping out each scene in a novel while others only envision the ending with a few key moments.

Save the cat writes a novel by Jessica Brody offers many excellent tips and strategies for plotters.

The pantser begins with a relatively open mind.

The author shows up and lets the characters tell them where they will go next. One scene leads to another and another…



B. Morey Stockwell, PhD
The Naked Creative

I’m a writer who writes about writing… and other topics that bring me joy. Find tips and strategies to enhance your creativity at