A Community Call to Action

The Nano Center
Published in
3 min readOct 22, 2020

A turbulent 2020 hasn’t stopped it being a great year for the core services powering the Nano ecosystem, with vastly improved fiat gateways, original applications, earning opportunities and even more places to spend Nano. Here at the Nano Center we’ve been working hard to support new projects, community collaboration and efforts to drive awareness around Nano.

Despite the challenges presented by current trends in the crypto-space losing some focus on the core philosophy of cryptocurrency, we keenly committed to our goal of ensuring that Nano remains relevant, continues to grow and attracts talented and creative people.

We do this in two main ways.

First we provide a space to support each other’s efforts, find collaborators, source crowd-funding, and build services and applications. If you are working on something ambitious and exciting, you do not have to do it alone, there is a huge wealth of experience and advice on hand to help your idea grow.

We run community drives to raise community funding through our website and you might recognize some of the proposals that reached their crowd-funding goals and were able to make an impact across the Nano ecosystem.

Some of the projects the Nano Center has spring boarded

To apply, visit https://nanocenter.org/login and create an account where you can submit a project proposal.

Our second primary function is the stewardship of the monthly Nano Community Project Award, sponsored by the Nano Foundation, where we encourage new and established products to apply for the $1000 grant. Members of the NanoCenter directly contribute to the selection of the winners, and over 50 Nano Center members have participated over the last six months.

Below are some examples of winners of the fund.

To learn more about the Nano Community Project Award, you can read more information here.

How does all of this happen?

The Nano Center is powered by the Nano community — people you like you. There’s no barriers or requirements to contributing, other than a passion for helping Nano to realize its true potential. Days, hours, minutes and seconds worth of community contributions all come together to create something special.

The ship is steered by a small team of volunteer ambassadors from within the community who have stepped forward to help ensure the Nano Center remains an active and productive influence within the community.

So how can you help Nano and the Nano Center?

We would love to see new members come over to the Nano Center and offering their support, either as regular members, or if you are really keen, to take on a turn as an ambassador. Some of our ambassadors have held the role for a good long chunk of time and it was always our intention to rotate these positions as new energy comes into the space.

The Nano Center discord might be the quietest of the three discord chats, but in terms of getting stuff done it is the busiest corner of the community and we would very much like to see our space grow. If you are as excited about Nano as we are and want to contribute more, check us out!

Do you feel like part of the #NanoCommunity and want to make a contribution to one of the boldest projects of our generation, big or small, please visit our discord and come say hello!



The Nano Center

Community Manager for Nano, writer for #Nanocurrency, and editor of The Nano Center