Next to her…

Another Writer
Published in
1 min readJan 8, 2015

At the precise second this picture was taken, the clouds were forming slim lines caused by the wind, the city lights were lighting up and the sun was throwing orange rays across the sky.

In that same minute, a father was teaching his child how to drive a scooter, a beautiful woman was on a bike going home after a long day working, and a young man was taking this picture for a girl he loved.
In that exact second, the girl he loved was far away, across an entire ocean, in another country where the sun was raising. She was sleeping, dreaming about returning from work, riding a bike during a sunset in New York. She was going home to see her lover.

The person she loved, wasn’t taking a picture, that person was asleep… Next to her.



Another Writer

Traveling around the world leaving napkins and photos with stories. #NapkinTales