A Letter of Gratitude to the City That Saved Me

The healing power of a city

Laura Vegh
The Narrative Arc


Photo by Charles Postiaux on Unsplash

Dear London,

We met 6 years ago when I was in one of my darkest places. It was the beginning of a journey that would take me down into the depths of depression, through self-discovery, and into a new world, one I had never even considered.

Coming to you was a spontaneous act. Probably one of the most spontaneous decisions I’ve ever taken. You see, I’m someone who overthinks everything. Someone who goes through every possible scenario, both positive and negative, before making a decision. With you, it took an instant.

My world was crumbling down that year. All the hard work, all the things I’d sacrificed before, seemed in vain. I was losing everything I’d worked for and doors were closing in front of me, one after another.

I had no one. I was more alone and more lost than I’d been in my entire life.

So, I came to you with nothing to lose and everything to gain. I had four days. I didn’t have many expectations.

The trip wasn’t truly planned. I had no idea where I wanted to go and what I should do with my time.

On my first night there, I got lost.

I was following the map, trying to get back to my hotel, and I still got lost. I went in circles for over an hour. I was terrified. It was getting dark. I didn’t have any data on my phone, so I couldn’t browse the internet or call anyone.

Eventually, I decided to ask for help. It was the second time I was getting out of my comfort zone and doing something uncharacteristic for me. You see, I’m not someone who asks for help often. Especially not from complete strangers.

The stranger — a young woman walking her baby — was keen to help. She pointed out that my hotel was…right around the corner. Looking back at it now, it was quite the metaphor for where my life was at.

I was struggling, feeling lost, and like I could never find my way out. But the way out was closer than I knew. The answers were right around the corner.

I wish I could say I understood what you were trying to tell me right away. Unfortunately, it took a little longer than that.

In the following days, I didn’t get lost per se, but I did wander quite a lot. I tried to set a few goals, though truth be told, I had none. I chose a few of your most famous sites to give myself some direction. I must say they didn’t disappoint.

I loved every minute I spent there. Walking through busy streets and empty parks, striking up a random conversation with a stranger, and eating some weird, yet delicious food, the days went by in a breeze.

Without even realizing it, my soul started to heal. Maybe it was the hope of a better future or the beauty of a new place. Maybe it was the kind words of a stranger. Or the simplicity of a life without worrying about reaching goals or living up to expectations.

Maybe it was all of it and none of it.

I don’t know. What I do know is you helped me heal. Your busy streets, crowded markets, and gorgeous parks helped me heal with every step I took. You made me see the possibility of a new beginning, a new life, that I had never envisioned.

What can I say now but express immense gratitude for all you’ve done for me? For showing me even answers I didn’t want to see, solutions that were so simple when I tried to make them far more complicated.

Thank you, dear London, for the lessons and the healing, and your beauty. I hope to see you again someday!



