My Wife’s Gift Made Me Cry
The miracle of a partner who listens to me
A few Christmases ago, my wife handed me the last gift under our tree and then sat back with a curious look that I couldn’t read. The red and white striped box was adorned with a deep green bow. I paused to admire it before undoing the ribbon and lifting the top. When I looked inside, I began to weep. As my body shook, she slid over and wrapped her arms around me.
My wife has an uncanny way of buying gifts that resonate with me. Presents that show me she sees me. Inside the beautiful striped box was something that communicated the message, “I heard you, and I love you. What’s meaningful to you is important to me.”
Years later, that gift remains one of my most cherished holiday treasures.
The Magic of Christmas
There is a belief about Christmas that I cling to but rarely admit, even to those closest to me. I worry others will find it silly or think that I’m either joking or perhaps delusional. This belief is important enough that I guard it, not wanting it to be tarnished by other’s dismissal or by their ensuing laughter and well-meaning jokes.
I can’t blame them; I’m not sure I fully understand it. And yet, I hold onto it tightly as soon…