Grow Where You Live

But what if you’re a potted plant?

Laura DeMaisBerg
The Narrative Arc
Published in
4 min readApr 19, 2024


Six Women, five faces covered with flower graphic
Author’s photo, edited / All rights reserved

Once my friend Mary was telling me about a conversation with her high school-aged daughter. Her daughter, frustrated with the high school she returned to after COVID, told her mom she wanted to switch schools. Mary, a very pragmatic woman said, gently, but firmly, “Honey, you’re not changing schools. You need to learn to grow where you live.”

I remember hearing that phrase from Mary for the first time and thinking how simple and brilliant it is. What other choice do we have but to grow, no matter where we live.

A few years ago I had a rupture with my “best friend” Miriam. Instead of working towards healing the rupture, Miriam, who I’d been close to since high school, decided to cut all ties and, as a result, we haven’t seen each other or spoken for three-and-a-half years.

A few weeks ago, one of our mutual high school friends experienced a tragedy when her brother died. There was no question that all of the old high school crew would show up to support our friend as she honored her brother, but I knew that meant I would have to face Miriam.

As the day of the funeral approached and I prepared for my flight, I struggled to imagine how I would be able to be myself around Miriam. In my mind, she had…



Laura DeMaisBerg
The Narrative Arc

I write about seemingly mundane experiences that are relatable because we are human. Subscribe on Substack to get my stories directly: