I Fell in Love With My Opponent in a Pokémon Tournament

“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”

Sieran Lane
The Narrative Arc


A blond guy plays ice hockey with his adorable golden retriever
This isn’t actually my crush, but my crush is blond, an ice hockey player, and has a cute golden retriever. AI image generated by author via Nightcafe

In a Pokémon GO battle tournament, I miraculously defeated two veteran players, but the third player beat me. My last opponent was Lucas.

I was known to take forever to choose my Pokémon team. So Lucas told me he had hockey practice to rush off to after. But he said, “No pressure. I’m just saying we can’t stare into each other’s eyes all night.”

I was startled and confused. Some of the guys near us jeered and laughed. I don’t remember if it was Lucas or another guy who said, “Maybe another night, honey, but not tonight.”

The thing is, I had low self-esteem, so I couldn’t take any of this seriously. Moreover, we were hanging out in a group of guys I was still unfamiliar with, but who were friendly.

So I assumed that what Lucas did, was a “friendly hazing” or some welcome gesture. After all, I had seen some other dudes in the group play-flirt with each other.

What I hadn’t realized was that the guys who “play-flirted” with one another, were already close friends. Lucas and I were only acquaintances. Plus, he wasn’t the flirting type. And he never said anything like that to me again. Not sure if that was because I never reciprocated, or because it was…



Sieran Lane
The Narrative Arc

A queer trans writer and therapist. I help fiction writers complete their novels. Let's connect! https://the-transgender-therapist.ck.page/fiction-writing