I Found Out Why School Teachers Deserve an Enormous Amount of Respect

A day in the life of a substitute teacher

Klara Jane Holloway
The Narrative Arc
Published in
8 min readOct 21, 2023


WORTH FIGHTING FOR poster of a girl sleeping with her teddy bear
From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Public Domain

I retired from my 42-year nursing career in 2020 and started looking for side jobs where I can choose the days and hours and not work if I don’t feel like it. I do not want to be tied down if I decide on a last-minute vacation or activity.

Knowing there was a great need, I applied as a substitute teacher to the Ohio Department of Education last summer. I earned my certificate to substitute teach for grades Kindergarten through 12.

It’s straightforward to schedule the days and hours you want from an app on my computer. It lists the school (I sub for ten different schools in my area), the type of class, like Math or Science, the student’s grade level, and the hours. I have only worked half days, 4 hours or less, and I do the afternoons. That fits perfectly into my life. I hate getting up early in the morning!

Last month, I signed up to teach a Health class 2 days in a row for the entire school day, about 7 hours. I was stepping out of my norm by staying in one classroom all day with four groups of twenty 8th graders moving in and out. Since I had nursing experience, Health class would be easy to teach, but I soon…



Klara Jane Holloway
The Narrative Arc

I write about my experiences in life. Some mundane, some sad, some funny, and hopefully none boring!