My Flameless Pants

Telling the truth in a world that rewards fiery pants

Karen Fayeth
The Narrative Arc


A row of denim jeans hanging to dry under a window and against a yellow wall.
Photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash

A friend recently shared an adorable little meme on Instagram. It was really meant to be targeted to the GenX crowd and to elicit a little laugh.

To be honest, the meme made me a little bit anxious. I got the joke, but maybe I didn’t really get it because that meme wasn’t true in my experience.

Here it is:

Meme found all over the place on the web, just Google it

My husband is my gauge of what is normal as opposed to whatever weirdness is rattling around in my head. He looked at the meme and he got the joke. A laugh in the form of a puff of air escaped his nose.

“But, that wasn’t me! Was that a thing? Did people really do that?” I was apoplectic at this point.

He told me that he personally did not cheat on his reading log. He didn’t have to because he was then and is now a voracious reader. But he knew plenty of classmates who were not completely honest when they turned in their reading logs.

“People won prizes for how many books they read!” I countered. “How could someone cheat about how many books they read?”



Karen Fayeth
The Narrative Arc

I work all day, I art all night. Find me at and karenfayeth on all the socials (Twitter, Insta, FB, etc)