My Precious Granddaughter Is My Favorite Person in the World

She’s like sunshine on a cloudy day

Klara Jane Holloway
The Narrative Arc
Published in
5 min readSep 16, 2023


young girl throwing leaves in the air
My granddaughter. A beautiful young woman with a heart of gold and the patience of an angel. Author’s photo.

My granddaughter came into the world without making a sound.

Her mother, my daughter, had used cocaine when she was first pregnant, and my granddaughter was born blue, limp, and silent. She barely weighed 5 pounds, was 21 inches long, and looked like a wrinkly, pale, newly hatched chicken.

The nurses and neonatologists worked on her until she finally moved a little and let out a weak wail, and by the grace of God, she was alive.

I will never forget my daughter lying there after giving birth and sobbing,

Mom, why isn’t my baby crying?

It brings tears to my eyes to remember her forlorn, frightened voice. She knew there was a danger of her baby having problems at birth. As soon as she knew she was pregnant, she immediately stopped using and went through drug rehab. She had my grandson six years later and was a great mother, free of drugs, nicotine, and alcohol for ten years.

Then she left for the streets again.

My granddaughter has been winging it without a mother since she was 12. That’s when my daughter walked away from her husband and two…



Klara Jane Holloway
The Narrative Arc

I write about my experiences in life. Some mundane, some sad, some funny, and hopefully none boring!