Remind Me: Zoom, WhatsApp, or Texting? Landline Days Were Easier

Communicating in the modern world

Kit Desjacques
The Narrative Arc


Photo by on Unsplash

The days of remembering telephone numbers are over. Your smartphone does that for you. Besides, no one answers their landlines anymore (if they even have one). It’s almost always a robot solicitor.

Landlines are a thing of the past.

What you do have to remember is how your friends and family prefer to communicate. So you can find the message they sent you.

Between email, phone texts, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Instagram messages, FaceTime, Skype, landlines and mobile phones, there are lots of options.

That’s the good news. And the bad news.

I had a Zoom call a couple of nights ago. It wasn’t a business call, just a group of girlfriends calling to catch up after vacation and hear the details of an upcoming wedding.

Scheduling people on two continents and three time zones required several days’ worth of text messages. But it was finally sorted, and we had the meeting set up.

Except I couldn’t find the call info. It was time to go online and I could be heard muttering, “Where the hell is the Zoom link?”



Kit Desjacques
The Narrative Arc

Reader, writer, traveler. Glad to be alive in the age of internet so I can look up answers to everything I'm curious about.