The Answer to Trauma Is Love

I adopted my first pet after my childhood polio isolation

Terry O
The Narrative Arc
Published in
8 min readMay 6, 2023


Photo by Mitchell Luo on Unsplash. A really good likeness of Sandy.

Back in 1954, when I was four years old, I came home from a year in isolation from my polio rehab therapy. This was the protocol when you were one of “Salk’s Kids” polio victims.

I previously wrote about that experience here.

When I came back home from rehab, I was aloof and unsure of my family. I frankly didn’t remember them from before when I was taken away by ambulance. They had taken me away just before my third birthday. I was returned to my home after almost a full year. When I got back home, I was afraid of my strange new surroundings, including my family. I didn’t remember much.

To make me feel better, and get me more used to “normal,” my parents brought home a puppy. A small terrier, white and brown, and probably quite nice, small enough for normal children.

But when they brought him into the kitchen where I was, he excitedly jumped on me, coming up to my mid-thigh. I backed against the stove, screaming in abject terror as he jumped up on my legs, barking incessantly.



Terry O
The Narrative Arc

Ending one career and beginning several more, hopefully. Hope to make people laugh and think and inspire them to return the favor. Enjoy humor when you find it.