It’s Rude and Cowardly, But Being Ghosted Can Turn Into a Blessing

That person with no integrity has done you a big favor

Klara Jane Holloway
The Narrative Arc
Published in
5 min readSep 28, 2023


Door with a closed sign on it
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Have you ever been ghosted? Someone walks out of your life and stops talking to you or answering your calls, texts, or voicemails. Suddenly, you don’t exist. Often, this is a person you’ve known for a long time, loved, and trusted.

Ghosting is often seen as an immature or passive-aggressive way to end a relationship. In other instances, it may even be a form of emotional abuse. The person doing the ghosting often wants to avoid confrontation or dealing with someone else’s hurt feelings, so they cease all communication and hope the hint is delivered.¹

The disbelief that this person could be so cruel can be a big shock. Most people fall apart since it’s usually a partner, spouse, or someone you thought loved and cared about you. Being ghosted suddenly changes your life forever.

This happened to me, and I’m ashamed to admit it, but I needed antidepressants and anxiety medications to deal with the hurt and broken heart.

This guy had clearly been planning to betray me for quite a while. It must have been a relief for him to get the nerve to walk away as he…



Klara Jane Holloway
The Narrative Arc

I write about my experiences in life. Some mundane, some sad, some funny, and hopefully none boring!