To My Friend Who Just Lost Her Dad: I’ll Call When This Depression Leaves

I promise

Assumpta Nalubowa
The Narrative Arc
Published in
6 min readAug 3, 2023


Photo by KoolShooters on

You must remember, especially when things are going well. When your heart is overflowing — bursting in fact — with gratitude.

When the birds in your soul have finally come awake; when you can see it all clearly — their actions: Love languages you might’ve missed during your foggy days. A warm text on a lonely afternoon, for example.

Notes from my inner child to the depresssion.

“Hey, I just read your work and you amaze me. Writers! How do you sit with yourself and write things of such depth and not cry (Maybe you do)? I think you write from a spiritual place — a spiritual core. It’s an honor to witness.”

That’s what she said. She had devoured my stories and in response, the above message was the music she sent my way.

“Why did you stay friends with me?” I asked her during one of our phone calls.

“There’s something about your energy that I love,” she replied.

I met her at a coding event a few years ago and I was intimidated. I didn’t think someone like her would want to be friends with someone like me. She was too cool. Too bougie. Too out of my…



Assumpta Nalubowa
The Narrative Arc

Personal Essayist | Web Technical Writer who is open to work | For my technical writing, check out: