What the Frig Happened to Frigg?

or was she ‘just’ Odin’s wife?

The Narrative Arc
Published in
7 min readJan 18, 2023


A female Viking warrior looking fierce
Thank you Daniel Küttel from Pixabay

Impossible Press asked writers to Tell us a reimagined tale of the famous, the infamous, the barely mentioned woman in an old story, poem, or legend. Give her a better journey than the one she got.

I did.

Tell me if the Goddess Frigg got her better journey.

Frigg’s Flight

The second blast from the ram’s horn announced the return of the fleet.

“Quickly,” Frigg tucked her breast under her vest, “and not a word to Odin.”

Her lover Tuva smirked, took the swaddled baby from Frigg, and dabbed the breast milk from his lips. She leaned to kiss her baby’s forehead. “With her Goddess milk, you’ll grow as strong as Baldur.”

“Not a word, Tuva. Promise me,” Frigg said. Odin would not have his wife fortify mortal children.

“My boys have gone ahead.” Frigg knew they would have gone to the docks to await Papa and hoped they had the good sense to bring an older boy along to fish them out of the water should they lose their footing wrestling those who dared.

“My hair!” Frigg sighed as she pulled it back, “It must look a fright.”

