In Memory Of Francine Owolabi (1990–2020)

Words & Narration by Francine Owolabi (1990–2020)

To our dear friend Francine,

You forever changed our lives. Your fight, tenacity and resilience was complimented by your creativity, brilliance and empathy. You introduced us to your beautiful daughter Aryn, who will go on to become the leader that our world needs and that you showed her how to be. You are responsible for Creative Futures Collective creating more opportunities for people that didn’t have them before, like your amazing twin sister Frances who shares your fighting spirit. We remember when you had nothing, you would give everything you had to people that you said needed it more than you.

We remember sitting in the room with you when the executive team offered you a job at the World Surf League when you helped create an important partnership with Black Girls Surf. I remember the proud beam across your face when the “Transformed” documentary you produced on Giovanni Douresseau was premiered in front of a packed crowd at the Waterfront in Venice. You were family then, you are family now and your legacy will live on in everything that we do.

Thank you for showing us and the world that anything is possible, that one’s current circumstance will never dictate their future. Aryn, if you read this please know that we will do everything in our power to support you, provide opportunities and keep fighting for what your amazing Mother was fighting for.

Rest In Paradise, Francine Owolabi(1990 – 2020)


Jai, Yahniie and Markie

The Action

In Francine’s memory, we are dedicating the Creative Futures program in her legacy. The 2021 Spring cohort will see us grow from 10 Fellows in LA to 100 Fellows in LA, New York, Chicago, Atlanta and an indigenous contingent from Australia.

  • Applications for the 2021 Spring cohort open Monday November 9th, 2020. You can find the application on our brand new website here.
  • “We Are The Change Makers” video was narrated by Francine Owolabi and features her 12 year old daughter Aryn. Please share it!
  • The Owolabi Family set up a GoFundMe to help pay for Francine’s funeral costs and set up a trust for Aryn’s future. As of writing, they’ve exceeded their $20,000 goal and every further dollar raised goes towards Aryn’s trust. Please donate if you can here.



Creative Futures Collective
The Narrative by Creative Futures Collective

Unearthing the next generation of creative leaders from disenfranchised communities & empowering them to break cycles of systemic inequality.