Impressive Artificial Intelligence: Definition, Subsets, Types, future of AI

Achyuth KP
The Narrow World
Published in
4 min readMar 31, 2020

Everyone has heard the term Artificial Intelligence and many people are still having confusion between Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Data Science.

Machine Learning and Deep Learning are a subset of Artificial Intelligence. Data science has an intersection with artificial intelligence, but it is not a subset of artificial intelligence and Data Science is all about data.

Artificial Intelligence is a program that can sense, reason, act and adapt. Machine Learning is an Algorithm whose performance improves as they are exposed to more data over time. Deep Learning is Subset of Machine Learning in which multilayered neural networks learn from the vast amount of data. AI has been growing exponentially, in the past decade, it is already been touching our lives in many ways.

It will be tough to learn and code AI program in the beginning. You will get confused with the code, once you understand completely it will be easy for you. I guarantee you one thing, it will be more interesting after you come to know how to write AI programs. There are two programming languages, where you can write code easily compared to other programming languages as these programming languages are having many inbuilt functions.

Programming languages are Python and R. I guess everyone is familiar with Python and many of them won’t be known about R language. Yeah, we can code an AI program both in Python and R. Python is the leading programming language in 2020. As the scope of AI is increasing day by day, even Python Programming language value is increasing, as it is easy to write AI code using python.

Artificial Intelligence is classified into four types based on their functionality.

Four types of Artificial Intelligence:

  1. Reactive machine AI.
  2. Limited Memory AI.
  3. Theory of mind AI.
  4. Self-aware AI.


Reactive Machine AI includes machines that operate based on the present data, by taking into account only the current situation. They neither have the ability to form memories nor to use past experiences to inform current decisions. Reactive AI Machines cannot form an inference from a data to evaluate their future actions.

The best example of Reactive Machine AI is Deep Blue, an IBM chess program which beats the world champion Garry Kasparov (in 1997) is one of the most impressive AI Machine built so far. It is the first chess AI program.

Similar to this Google’s AlphaGo, which has beaten top human Go (It’s a game) experts, can’t evaluate all potential future moves either. They can perform a narrowed range of predefined tasks.


Limited Memory AI can make informed decisions by studying the past data from its memory. Such an AI has a short-lived or temporary memory that can be used to store past experiences and hence evaluate future actions.

The Best example for Limited Memory AI is Self driving Cars, uses the data collected in the recent past to make immediate decisions. Self driving cars uses sensors to identify civilians that are crossing the road, which also include lane markings, traffic lights, curves in the road, Senses the speed limit and adapts it. They use this to make better driving decisions and helps in preventing future accidents.


The Theory of Mind AI is more advanced type of Artificial intelligence it will focus mainly on emotional intelligence so that human beliefs and thoughts can be better comprehended.

Theory of mind is all about understanding the creatures, objects and human behavior, their actions, thoughts, attitude, sentimental thoughts and emotions that affect their own behavior.

Theory of Mind AI is speculated to play a major role in human psychology. It is not completely developed yet, but regress research is happening in this area.


Moving on to the last type of Artificial Intelligence that is self-aware AI includes machines that have their own consciousness and become self-aware. This type of AI does not exist yet. It is far fare, but in the future achieving this is possible. Let us pray that we don’t reach this state of AI.

Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk made the statement, AI is a fundamental risk to the existence of human civilization. He tweeted that he fears a global arms race for Artificial Intelligence will cause the third World War.

Even the physicist Stephen Hawking stated, Superhuman Artificial Intelligence could provide incalculable benefits, but could also end the human race if deployed incautiously.

