Meet a Milestone Maker featuring Savina Hawkins

Every week we’ll feature the Spring 2017 Milestone Makers cohort. The following interview is with Savina Hawkins, co-founder, StatSoup.

the Center
the Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center
3 min readMar 22, 2017


Tell me your name and about your company in ten words.

My name is Savina Hawkins and I am the co-founder of StatSoup. We create artificially intelligent solutions for the music industry.

How did your business come to be?

My co-founder Will and I are lifelong music fans who grew up playing in bands together and attending the same music festivals year after year. We care about creating a sustainable future for the music industry so we can support the musicians who’ve inspired us our entire lives.

What’s the dream for your business?

We believe that the future of the music industry lies in artificial intelligence because it will create more opportunities, more profit and greater success for every artist involved.

Where do you find inspiration when faced with challenges?

I’m a lifelong yogi and meditator and I find that the greatest fulfillment is always in the present moment. Returning to who you are and the space that you’re supposed to be in, the now, allows for greater inspiration and to tap into that radical creativity that’s always present.

What is the biggest learning from the journey so far?

Whenever I looked to my heroes in the past, I always thought that their success emerged from them alone. But in fact now being a part of the process, I realize that it’s about the people you surround yourself with. Success isn’t just in one person, it emerges through a whole team of people and how they interact with each other.

What does the term milestone signify to you?

A milestone retroactively changes the meaning of all of the work that’s been put in before. Achieving a milestone creates a story out of the days and days of labor: it creates a story of success that gives that labor meaning.

What milestone are you committed to accomplishing by the end of the Milestone Makers Program?

I’m committed to landing a partnership with a ticketing company who will not only be our data provider for the next few years, but will also allow us to create integrated API’s allowing us to deliver our model to musicians, venues, promoters, and more.

The Milestone Makers program is designed to help early-to-mid-stage founders set, hit, and celebrate milestones critical to company growth over 12 weeks. Each of our 14 Milestone Makers selected into the Spring 2017 cohort receive the support of a personal business coach, a team of mentors, peer cohort work sessions, as well as curated classes to help them succeed with their individual learning paths to help them reach their goals.



the Center
the Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center

The Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center is designed to educate, innovate and connect aspiring & current entrepreneurs. Grow your ideas. Get inspired. Tell your story.