Apply to Nass Lit!

Nicolette D'Angelo
The Nassau Literary Review
1 min readSep 14, 2018

We’re pleased to announce that applications for our writing, editorial, and artistic staff are now open for Fall 2018. The application can be found below, and is due to on Thursday, September 27th at midnight. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to email our editors-in-chief Nicolette D’Angelo (ndangelo@) and Annabel Barry (aqbarry@) or managing editors Alice Xu (alicex@) and Audrey Spensley (spensle@).

We greatly look forward to reviewing your application!



Nicolette D'Angelo
The Nassau Literary Review

She/her/hers. MPhil candidate in Classics at the University of Oxford thanks to Rhodes Trust (#RhodesMustFall). On Twitter at @nicohhhlette.