And Yet, People Still Wonder Why We Question Obama’s Loyalty To The United States of America.

By Sam Whitfield.

Sam Whitfield
The National Conservative
2 min readOct 12, 2015


One has to wonder what President Obama’s true intentions are when it comes to National Security.

During the Benghazi embassy attack scandal in 2012, I stated that I question President Obama’s loyalty to the nation due to his unwillingness to even address, let alone respond to a blatantly obvious terrorist attack on US Soil. I don’t remember my exact phrasing, but my statement went something like this:

I just simply don’t understand why our president seems to treat what was clearly a terrorist attack, as just a mere protest over a YouTube video. Do they even have YouTube over there? (Benghazi). The inaction by this administration to help our own embassy in it’s time of need tells me that the president and his team are either incompetent beyond comprehension, or somehow wanted the attack to happen. I hope to God it’s not the latter scenario.

-The Whitfield Analysis, October 2012.

I caught almost immediate flack for my statement. “How dare that high school senior question authority during his weekly podcast!” (I thought questioning authority was supposed to be the hip thing to do though). Now as a college student, I find myself questioning the president’s intent and loyalty again and yet, I’m still having a difficult time finding answers and making sense of it all when it comes to our leadership. I couldn’t agree with you more Kim Priestap.



Sam Whitfield
The National Conservative

Creator and host of The Whitfield Report, and an all around good guy! Politics and Society commentary, Blogger, Author and Podcaster.