Here Are Three Things That Marco Rubio Can Do To Succeed In Tonight’s Debate And Moving Forward In The Primaries.

Sam Whitfield
The National Conservative
3 min readFeb 14, 2016


A little over a week and a half ago, I endorsed Marco Rubio as my nomination pick for The GOP Presidential Candidate on my podcast. His optimistic attitude towards America’s future, strong stance on national security, and an economic policy which celebrates the concept of entrepreneurship and innovation, are the exact type of qualities needed in a 21st century conservative leader and more importantly, The President of The United States of America.

As some readers can probably imagine, I was less than thrilled by Rubio’s poor debate performance in New Hampshire last week, but that doesn’t mean that he’s out of the race yet. that Rubio clearly has what it takes to be commander-in-chief, yet his ability to campaign is a different story. With these three suggestions listed below, I believe that Rubio will be able to caucus with mass success in South Carolina and in other State primaries moving forward.

Suggestion Number 1: Don’t Be Afraid To Show Passion On The Debate Stage

Latin Americans are well-known for their fiery tempers and passionate attitudes which has helped them to build a thriving and proud part of American Culture as a whole. Yet Rubio often seems a little too calm during the debates unless being challenged by the likes of Chris Christie. He seems almost completely devoid of emotion hence why many of his critics call him “Rubio The Robot”. One of the reasons why so many people like Donald Trump isn’t so much because of his policies, but moreover because of the raw emotion and energy that he constantly exudes. Rubio has this passion as well, but he doesn’t utilize it unless in a defensive manner which is a missed opportunity for him right now.

Suggestion Number 2: Address The Immigration Slip Up.

In a column back in October 2015, Kurt Schlichter stated that Rubio’s most glaring flaw is his involvement with Chuck Schumer and “The Gang of Eight” on comprehensive immigration reform. Many conservatives see this as Rubio’s cardinal sin and although I believe it’s an irrelevant subject at this point, I also am in agreement with Schlichter that Rubio needs to address this issue if he hopes to gain more of a majority moving forward.

Suggestion number 3: Stop Repeating Yourself Multiple Times Marco.

In Rubio’s defense, I understand he’s trying to do here: say something often enough and it will sink in with your audience eventually. I’ve used this technique successfully several times in my own podcast, however it is hurting Rubio in the debates. Most conservatives already understand that Obama is intentionally trying to undermine American exceptionalism through his policies so repeating this makes absolutely no sense during The Republican primaries. Say one thing once and make it effective during the debates.

Hopefully Rubio does well in the South Carolina primary and it will be interesting to see how he performs during the debate.

Originally published at on February 13, 2016.



Sam Whitfield
The National Conservative

Creator and host of The Whitfield Report, and an all around good guy! Politics and Society commentary, Blogger, Author and Podcaster.