Trump’s Latest Comments About Islam Seem To Be Playing To A Dangerous Sterotype

My Response To Ian Patrick Hines’s Letter To The Republican Party.

Sam Whitfield
The National Conservative
2 min readDec 8, 2015


After reading about the latest shenanigans from the presidential campaign of Donald Trump, this time in relation to Islam, I honestly have to scratch my head and wonder, “just how this man is still in the race”? Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not a fan of the Islamic Radicals that chant things like, “Death to America” and other nonsense, but that doesn’t mean that all Muslims believe this of course. To be honest, I don’t actually know anyone that believes all Muslims hate America and I doubt that Mr. Trump actually believes it either. My theory is that Trump is playing to a conservative stereotype that he thought of back when he was still a democrat. Yes you did read that right. There are even a few individuals who think that trump might be plant for the left, but there’s no hard evidence to support this claim.

The Lesser Of Two Evils Rule Is Still In Effect.

I hope that Ian Patrick Hines will agree with me that if Trump somehow does win the nomination, it’s important that all republicans stand behind him in order to stop Hillary Clinton or God forbid, Bernie Sanders from becoming the next president of The United States. Don’t believe me? Read my article about campaign effectiveness and victory from 9/23/15 here:

Still too many candidates.

Seriously Republicans, it’s time for us to pick a candidate (other than Donald Trump ) and throw our support behind them. At this point, I’d like to see either Rubio or Ted Cruz become the front runners for the party. Both are strong men who have demonstrated their love for The American People over politics and both are skilled enough to take down Hillary Clinton in a debate.

Playtime is over. It’s time to get serious!



Sam Whitfield
The National Conservative

Creator and host of The Whitfield Report, and an all around good guy! Politics and Society commentary, Blogger, Author and Podcaster.