A Response to Representative Crenshaw

Rep. Dan Crenshaw’s Recent Defense of Trump is full of omissions and half-truths that conceal the administration’s failures.

Conor Kelly
The National Discussion


Image taken from video posted on Trump’s Twitter.

O n Monday, President Donald Trump tweeted a video defending his response to the COVID 19 pandemic. In the video, Representative Dan Crenshaw of Texas gave a variety of arguments that, on face value, seemed to clear the President of any guilt for his response to COVID 19. Unfortunately, the arguments Crenshaw employs are not only weak but are fundamentally inaccurate. They shift attention away from the powers the President has and attempt to persuade Americans that the Democrats are merely politicizing a tragic issue which we all face, a common refrain for Republicans when met with criticism.

Crenshaw begins his argument by citing the first person to have COVID 19 came into the United States from Wuhan on January 15, but he also refers to the impeachment that was underway at that same time. Implied in this statement is the argument that impeachment prevents the President from doing his job, which is false. The impeachment process did not interfere in any way with Trump’s ability to respond to the virus, as the House’s vote merely laid an accusation against him, it did not take any powers away. For a message that is supposed to be purely factual and…



Conor Kelly
The National Discussion

Conor is a writer on progressivism, politics and history. Sign up for the newsletter, here: https://theprogressiveamerican.com/