Biden’s Agenda of Making America OK Is More Ambitious Than Making America Great Again

Tim Libretti, PhD
The National Discussion
4 min readMar 19, 2021



I’ve noticed when I have conversations with my kids and others about issues such as the $15 minimum wage, the wealth tax, a universal basic income, and other such measures aimed at re-distributing wealth to make sure all people have enough income to meet their most basic needs, I find myself saying to them, with reference to the wealthiest among us who might give a little more and have a little less, “I think they’ll be ok.”

The wealthiest will be ok.

Many Americans simply are not ok, meaning they cannot meet, or struggle to meet, their most basic human needs, even when working.

Seventy percent of the 21 million Americans who are beneficiaries of federal aid work full time.

Is this a sign of greatness?

When it comes to workers at McDonald’s and other such workplaces making minimum wage or a bit more, there’s much to talk about with my kids to get them thinking critically about the world.

These workers produce a lot of value, a lot of wealth, for these companies, which could not be produced without them. So how is it determined they merit less than what is considered a living wage in the U.S.?



Tim Libretti, PhD
The National Discussion

Professor of Literature, Political Economy enthusiast, Dad, always thinking about the optimal world