Et Tu, Mr. Hawley?

An ambitious senator has betrayed our democracy. We should all vow that he will never lead our country.

Sheldon Clay
The National Discussion
4 min readJan 5, 2021


The United States Capitol in a dignified moment, despite Republicans efforts to turn it into a circus tent. Photo by MIKE STOLL on Unsplash.

America’s fondest hope for 2021 was to get back to something approximating normal life. Maybe even normal politics. And yet, with the new year hardly begun, we are betrayed.

Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri has announced his intention to object when Congress meets to confirm Joe Biden as our next president, joining a group of noisome backbenchers from the House to give one last wheezing gasp to Donald Trump’s fantasy of overturning his defeat at the hands of the people.

The senator’s antics are destined to fail, accomplishing little more than to elevate the stress level of a nation in desperate need of healing. But we should recognize it for what it is. A betrayal. He’s taken a stand against our whole idea of self-government.

Josh Hawley thus disqualifies himself from ever holding the high office he seeks to deny Joe Biden.

We should remember this because the senator is an ambitious politician. A rising star of the right who obviously has his own eye on the presidency. That explains his reckless decision to give the pot one more stir at the end of this painful election cycle. He sees opportunity to take up the Trumpian cause and marshal the…



Sheldon Clay
The National Discussion

Writer. Observer of mass culture, communications and creativity.