I Guess I’m A Democrat Now.

I’m leaving the Republican Party — here’s why you should too.

Aaron Price
Enabling the Pursuit
10 min readJan 16, 2020


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I didn’t originally vote for President Obama — But man oh man. I miss him.

Well, crap. How did this happen?

I don’t have the wisdom, or wit, of George Will. I’m not a defecting GOP Congressman. Nor State Representative. Not even a retired party elder saying what others won’t.

But, I’m not politically apathetic. I was a door knocker for a Republican congresswoman. I interned for the GOP get out the vote effort in 2004. I had a leadership position in College Republicans. More recently, as a lawyer and political consultant, I helped elect numerous Republicans in four states while flipping the State House in one and the State Senate in another.

On paper, I’m that “5 for 5” primary voter, that steadfast party loyalist politics is built on — and I’m leaving the Republican Party.

That discrepancy, between paper and reality, is just one of those contradictions that defines modern American life.

I’m a well-educated straight white man from one of the whitest, and politically reddest, states in the country. I regularly (okay, semi-regularly) attend church. My wife is one of our deacons. I’m a small business…



Aaron Price
Enabling the Pursuit

Lawyer. Business owner. Political consultant. Progressive capitalist. Aspiring polymath. I write about politics, economics, and technology.